Grade 6 PYP ICT

Unit Title
Man-Made Marvels
Central idea Buildings and structures are designed to meet specific needs.

 Lines  of inquiry
  • Different types of architecture
  • Factors to consider when building a structure
  • Structures and the environment 
  • Designing structures to solve problems

Introduction to Corel Draw:
Using CDraw Basic Tools to create buildings
Find and Analyse Information
·         Use a database to store information in a variety of formats
·         Refine more complex search techniques and plot & interpret graphs
·         Use a Safe Search Engine to find information
·         Create and investigate spreadsheets with more complex formulae
Learn to use a variety of media equipment effectively

 Mr. David Kruchoski’s Man-Made Marvels Links

Mysterious Monuments/Ruins

Roman Aqueducts

Habitable Bridges

Building Earthquake-proof buildings -  good activity

Aircraft Structural Design

Many bridge websites

Science Kids - Engineering for Kids – variety of resources

Lesson Plan – Stable/Unstable structures

Links to Bridge-building sites

Materials info

Architecture – Great Buildings

Architecture  PPT

Architecture websites